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Buena Vista Chapter DAR
Storm Lake, Iowa

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Chapter Activities

Our Chapter at Work

The Buena Vista Chapter abstracted all the names in the wills 1880-1900 in Buena Vista County. These names were then alphabetized and cross-referenced in three volumes titled "Abstracts of Wills of Buena Vista County, Iowa 1880-1900." This was done because the 1890 census was destroyed in a fire in Washington, D.C. and the names were lost. These volumes were submitted to the Buena Vista Genealogical Library, the Iowa Genealogical Society Library, the Iowa Historical Society Library and the National Daughters of the America Revolution Library.

Buena Vista Chapter NSDAR worked to landscape the area around the Pioneer Rock.  The rock was dedicated on October 11, 1926.

This chapter project received national recognition as the Third Place winner of the Conservation Chapter Contest and was awarded Second Place in the North Central Division Chapter Contest for 2015.

                                      Scholarship winner
Buena Vista Chapter sponsored the
ISDAR Scholarship winner for 2015.
Chapter Regent Ruth Stark is pictured with
the winner and family members.
Mayor Jon Kruse signing the
Constitution Week Proclamation, September 2015
                                      service award
Buena Vista members presented Community Service Award
to George Whitehouse, December 2015


Our DAR chapter display case
at the Buena Vista Historical Museum in Storm Lake

Pictured is Ruth Stark.
                                        Good Citizen
Delores Sievers presenting a scholarship to the 2014-2015
DAR Good Citizens Award winner.
DAR Flag
                                      Retirement The Buena Vista Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, together with Boy Scouts of America Troops 103 and 104 and American Veterans, held a Flag Retirement Ceremony Sunday October 19, 2014 at Scout Park in Storm Lake. Scouts with Flags
Buena Vista Chapter DAR awarded the NSDAR ROTC Certificate and Medal to Deni Lynn Peters for her demonstration of academic excellence, dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of the Reserve Officers Training Corps. This was awarded October 15, 2014.
ROTC Award Pictured, left to right are:
Captain Thomas Gorman of the Buena Vista University ROTC program; Deni Lynn Peters, senior at Buena Vista University; Ruth Stark, of Buena Vista Chapter DAR.

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Last Updated 17 July 2019
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