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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Edith "Edee" Brunia, State Regent, 2022-2024

Wright Administration Symbol

State Librarian

Carol Baxter

Greetings fellow Daughters! I am very honored to be the State Librarian with State Regent, Edith Brunia. My first job was to file with Paul D. Pate, Secretary of State of Iowa, a change of Registered Office and Registered Agent for non-profit status on line.

I plan to send to each chapter Regent a current "National Wish List," and encourage the membership to purchase these books and publications for our National Library. Donations of books or funds are always needed to ensure the research center maintains its wonderful uniqueness as one of America's premier genealogical research centers. Orders need to be sent through the State Treasurer for proper credit.

One of my goals is to send a DAR chapter property form to each regent to list where chapter files are stored. The gift and approval from as well as the wish list can be found on the ISDAR Members' Website.

I am greateful for the opportunity to serve ISDAR in this way.

Carol Baxter