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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Edith "Edee" Brunia, State Regent, 2022-2024

Wright Administration Symbol

Y B Boutique

Cyndie Reppert, Chairman

The Y B Boutique, which was previously called the Iowa Sales Table, was named to honor Madame Yvonne Boone, Honorary State Regent of Iowa and Honorary Vice President General for Life. The proceeds from the table helps the DAR Junior Initiatives such as helping to send a Junior to Continental Congress, contributing to the Junior Promotion Fund and helping with purchases, such as new page sashes.

The table will be at Fall Forum in October and State Conference in April. We have lots of scarves, hobo bags, patriotic ornaments and some special treats to take to shut in members and nursing homes. Of course, we will have lots of porcelain, books, magazines and possibly sweet treats.

All donations are greatly appreciated. We have all ages of members attending these meetings. Everyone has a few items tucked away with no room left on the shelves. If you have items, please contact me by email or phone. We can always figure some way to get them to the SE corner of the state.

Thank you for letting me have the opportunity to work with this project.

Cyndie Reppert