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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Marla Suter, State Regent, 2020-2022

VanBuren Associates logo

Iowa State Historical Society Liaison

Marsha Hucke, Chairman

Hello Ladies!!!

Just a brief background on this Iowa Society DAR Committee.

We have an agreement with the State Historical Society of Iowa to house records of disbanded chapters and Iowa Society materials from the State Historian, Chaplain. There are also older records from chapters that are still active.

A deed of gift form is required and I can assist in getting the records to the SHS in Iowa City where the majority of these records are kept. Once the items are donated it is important to note they become the property of the SHS and are open to the public for review.

Under the Historian General Forms there is a very handy form to keep for future reference if situation arises that you need to maintain your records in a more manageable fashion. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Records Management Recommendations for DAR Chapters and State Societies The following recommendations have been developed to assist Chapter and State Regents in addressing issues related to the retention and management of important records. The Chapter or State Regent is responsible for the disposition of chapter or state records.
